Joining Us
Hour Car is a thriving Car Share Scheme, which has been operating in the upper Calder Valley for more than 19 years.
Why should you join?
Choice of vehicles
A range of vehicles of different sizes and types to suit your needs, whether you want to pop around the corner, get a chair from Ikea or visit your aunt in Scotland. All our cars run on petrol, apart from our MG5 EV which is fully electric. The Auris and Prius have a hybrid engine with a battery drive to help make the engine more efficient.
A practical green alternative
If you want to reduce your carbon footprint then Hour Car is an excellent way forward. Our members use cars efficiently because they pay by use and they use public transport where that is a better option. All of our cars are low emission vehicles for your everyday use.
Friendly, reliable service
At Hour Car we pride ourselves on the personal service we offer. Our aim is to offer a service to the Community, not to make a big profit. We are not a one-size fits-all organisation, but try to be flexible enough to meet your needs. Go to the homepage to read what our Members think about us.
Can I join?
Reduce your transport costs
You can save thousands of pounds a year compared to owning a car. Members pay according to how long they have a car and how far they drive. Talk to Hour Car and we will help you work out whether you will save money.
Convenient, no hassle car use
A car when you want one without the hassle of repairs, insurance or overnight parking. You can use Hour Car as your second vehicle so that your family has two cars when it needs. Use a car for as little as half an hour or as long as you want. There is a special reduced rate for a week's usage.

You must live or work in the area and fit the Insurance criteria
You have to be over 21 and have had a license for more than a year
For further information read the The Small Print document or get in touch with the Scheme Manager
How to join?
Simply arrange an appointment with the Scheme Manager, weekdays up to 2pm are best but we can make special arrangements outside these times
You will need to provide:
Valid driving licence
A copy of your driving licence information; you can obtain it by clicking here
Photo ID, such as passport
Two proofs of address, such as utility bills or bank statements
The joining process and induction on how to use Hour Car takes about an hour via a Zoom meeting, and it may take up to a week for your insurance clearance to be processed
Once you have paid the membership and joining fees, you can then book and use all Hour Car vehicles