Our Story
Hour Car is a thriving Car Share Scheme, which has been operating in the upper Calder Valley for more than 19 years.
About us
Our objectives
Short term
To provide an efficient, low cost alternative to personal car ownership for residents of Hebden Bridge and the surrounding area within Calderdale
To help reduce local traffic congestion and parking problems by reducing the need for member households and businesses to have a personal or second car
Medium term
Reduce traffic pollution by utilising alternative, less polluting fuels in the scheme's vehicles, and adapting those vehicles if necessary
Provide access to a range of vehicles, enabling members to use the vehicle most efficient for and suited to their needs
Provide appropriate vehicles and additional accessories / equipment to ensure the scheme is equally accessible to all eligible members of the community including those with disabilities, young children, and those on low incomes
Examine the environmental impact of replacement vehicles in terms of manufacture, recyclability and emissions
Work in partnership with local groups to increase transport awareness locally, create a prominent community profile for car sharing initiatives and to try to negotiate appropriate agreements with public transport companies as part of an integrated local transport initiative to reduce car usage and dependence locally
Long term
Be a sustainable, financially viable and respected professional organisation
Highlight the environmental and financial benefits of car sharing and ride sharing
Encourage communities in other rural and urban areas within Calderdale to establish similar schemes.
Hour Car has operated since 2004 and we now have 6 vehicles and over 60 members. We operate in the upper Calder valley.
Hour Car is a co-operative owned and run by its members, so if you join the scheme you will have a say in how it is run and how it develops in the future.​ We have 4 meetings a year plus an AGM at which any members can put forward an item or vote on any issue.
Hour Car is also a company limited by guarantee, registered as Hour Car (Un) Limited, Company No 5408908 and as such has directors which are appointed at the AGM.
Hour Car operates as a not-for-profit organisation so does not generate profit for members. Any surplus is reinvested into the business.

Our History
The concept of a Car Share Scheme is first voiced by Hebden Town Council.
Hebden Town Council set up a feasibility study and find 82.9% in favour of a Car Share or Ride Share scheme.
Ground Floor Project set up a formal project to commence a Car Share Scheme which is accepted as a pilot project by The Countryside Agency's Community Car Share Network (CCSN).
Ground Floor appointed Development Worker and undertake a further survey with the support of SEED funding.
Hour Car launch on January 7th with funding from the Countryside Agency's Rural Transport Partnership (RTP) and from SEED. By the end of the first year there are 3 vehicles and 30 members.
Revenue funding came to an end and Hour Car became a Members' Co-operative.
A 4th vehicle added with funding from RTP through Metro.
Membership reaches 45.
A car station set up in Mytholmroyd funded by RTP.
A car station set up in Todmorden with a 5th vehicle, supported by LEADER funding and Todmorden Town Council.
Membership reaches 60.
Hour Car received an electric car with no range anxiety as it has a back-up generator. This vehicle is bought with the assistance of grants from the BIG Lottery Fund and Metro.
Hour Car reached its aim of having no diesel vehicles because of concerns on air pollution and moves to a position where all cars have lower CO2 emissions than 120g/km.
Hour Car purchased the MG5 EV fully electric vehicle and the scheme's 6th car. This will be situated at the mobility hub in Todmorden, created by Calderdale Council, when this is available.